Myth Busting
It is normal for breastfeeding to be painful – When people tell you their stories about their breastfeeding journey they often say it was painful. It is common for breastfeeding to be painful but it is not normal. Breastfeeding should not be a painful process. Most breast pain stems from the latch. If the baby has a deep latch the nipple is in the baby’s throat, therefore not being squashed between their gums. In short, if breastfeeding is painful, reach out for support as there could be many reasons the latch isn’t quite right.
You won’t know if the baby is getting enough milk – Oh yes you will! If the baby is feeding a minimum of 8-10 feeds a day with regular sucking and swallowing, they are pooing regularly, gaining weight and are growing well, you can be reassured the baby is getting what they need.
No one can help you with the baby if you breastfeed – This is such a bug bear of mine, of course they can help you. I’ll give you just a few ideas of what help people can give you.
Nappy changing, cuddling, rocking, burping, soothing, going for a walk in the sling/pram, making breakfast/lunch/dinner, laundry, cleaning, shopping, making a hot drink, sitting with you while you feed, entertaining older children, picking up/dropping off older children from school. The list is endless and I could go on.
Breastfeeding will make you have saggy breasts – It is your pregnancy hormones that do that, not breastfeeding. A well-fitting bra (nursing or otherwise) will restore a great shape and your confidence!
You can’t take medication while breastfeeding – There is an ever-growing list of medications that are safe for breastfeeding, and few that you can’t take. For those few, there is almost always a safer alternative. A free resource suitable for everyone to use is The Breastfeeding Network which has lots of information on breastfeeding and medicines.